Geloso - The history of Geloso, an Italian radio company. Includes schematics of many products.
Gootee Systems - Personal collection of antique radios and electronics, vacuum tube equipment repair advice, resistor decade box plans,
and used vacuum tubes and equipment for sale.
Radio AF4K in Florida - Includes Glowbugs and Florida Boatanchors mailing lists, pirate radio, shortwave radio info, crystal suppliers, and nets for boatanchor trading and discussions, pricing guide, and online store.
LAS Company - During the sixties and seventies a French ham F5LS built tranceivers and receivers. The L.A.S company was famous for VHF rigs like the Provence.
Makers of Boat Anchors - List and description, includes: B and W, Central Electronics, Collins, E. F. Johnson, Gonset, Hallicrafters, Hammarlund, Heath, National, Drake.
Micamold XTR-1 - WA9WFA's site about this unusual transmitter.
Morrow Radio - K1YP presents information and pictures about the Morrow Radio Company's transmitters and receivers.
N9BOR's Multi-Elmac Museum - Multi-Elmac information, pictures, modifications and restoration tips. List of published articles on Multi-Elmac gear. Old advertisements for Multi-Elmac radios.
Transworld TW100 - Of interest to user of the Transworld TW100 radio tranciever.
UK Vintage Radio Resources - List of collectors, museums, shops, publishers, and restorers. Also, information about their e-mail list.
Very Early Yaesu Musen - Details and very early history of Yaesu Musen amateur radio equipment in Australia. Includes
pictures, old ads and descriptions.
Vintage Radios - Purveyor and collector of antique/vintage radios, valves and service data. Includes model service information, resources, classified ads, and links.
Yaesu FT-101 - NW2M's excellent Yaesu FT-101 HF Transceiver Site. All about the FT-101 series. These rigs with a tube driver and finals are considered classics by many.
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