Used Amateur Radio Prices Seen Various Places in 1998

At the end of this 1998 section you will find some old material from 1994/1995, and some other links to good pricing guides
I have listed what I could find of KQ4BY's old 1995 data and the main list has some newer prices seen on the web, at hamfests and heard on the swapnets etc.
GOOD NEWS! I now have newer lists!
THE 2002 LIST!
THE 2003 LIST!
THE 2004 LIST!
This is NOT a list of radios ANYONE has for SALE!!!
Do NOT e-mail me asking to BUY one of them!!
This list is NOT intended to be a LEGAL GUIDE in any way. The prices noted should NOT EVER be used
to determine any legal settlement as they are VERY limited in their scope and do not accurately reflect the prices for which radios and other electronic junque often change hands.
This list MOSTLY includes only ASKING prices, and these are ones that I have seen various places.
I am NOT going into many details about options, minor accessories etc. For this and other reasons, you may see a wide range of prices. Selling prices may actually have been less than what you see here.
If you see a DIFFERENT price (serious ads only) outside the range listed, please e-mail me and let me know. If I have time I will add it!
What you get here is a RANGE of prices. Some of the lower ones may be for uglier radios that need work.
The higher end prices are often for new unused units or ones that are in mint or collector quality condition.
PLEASE BE AWARE that the actual selling prices are sometimes below these asking prices!
Someone can ASK for a high price all they want; it DOES NOT mean that someone actually PAID that much nor that the item is 'worth' that price! Please keep that in mind as you look over this list! No one is obligated to sell something for the prices listed here, and you will often find a generous or kindly ham who is willing to sell you something for far less in order to help you, in the spirit of amateur radio. Our hope is that these prices will not get artificially inflated by dealers and investors posing as boatanchor enthusiasts and hobbyists, whose only desire is to run up the prices or to withold items from the inter-amateur market in order to secure an exhorbitant price from a nostalgic radio amateur at a future date. You will see the good, the bad and the ugly here!
Basically you pay different prices for used amateur radio equipment based on WHERE you buy it
and WHO is selling it to you! I am listing 10 different sources based on the range of prices typically asked.
They are listed from the best (lowest) to the worst (highest)
- Friend who cares about you!
- Friend, other(!)
- Hamfests
- Yellow Sheets, Electric Radio, AWA magazines etc.
- Internet e-mail groups
- Usenet Newsgroups
- Trader Nets
- Dealers
- On-line trading, e-Bay Auction or other auctions etc.
- Used Collins equipment dealer.
Number 4, 5 and 6 may not differ much and I really had to guess on the order of some of these. It is pretty much a matter of opinion. Your mileage may vary. Opinions on prices are like armpits; everyone has at least two! As you can tell the above is somewhat tongue in cheek. If you are offended, don't worry, you will get over it!
Please DON'T write to me asking things like, 'What is a Heath SB-994?' - I will not answer things like that because chances are I don't know or I am too busy!
ALSO - DON'T write and ask me things like 'Hey, where did you see that SB-994 ad? Who is selling it?'
If you have suggestions for improvements in this service or POSITIVE comments they are welcome via e-mail also.

And now, on to the bones!
NOTE: 'SH' means that the price INCLUDES SHIPPING!!

- AT-600 $220, 230
- AT-300 $100, 120
- AT-3000 $300
- MM-3 $100, 165
- PK-12 $60
- PK-88 $45
- PK-232 $95, 125, 130
- PK-232MBX $125
- 103 $150, 200
- PC-801 cal $5
- 30A PS $135
- ALR-22T $150
- DJ-S11 $80, 90
- DJ-S41 $80
- DR-110 $125
- DR-112 $200
- DR-150T $250, 275
- DR-MO6 $210
- DR-605T $250
- DX-70T $700
- DX70T SH $575, 600
- DX70T w/EDX1 tuner $850
- EPS-110M $125
- A-2516 (Kenwood) $75, 90, 125, 195, 215
- Lincoln 2754, 6m xcvr $
- SX-190 $40, 65
- 77 $
- 77A $
- 87A $4675
- 91-B $2100
- 374 $850, 1295
- 633A mic $20
- 661B Mic $55
- AC-1 transmitter $30
- CD1 $30
- CN $
- CN-144 $15
- OCM-2 $15
- PCL-P preamp $30, 45
- PS-1 $20 SH
- PT $30
- PT-2 preamp $30, 50, 55
- PV $
- PV-144 $25
- TX-62 $30, 75
- TX-62 w/VFO-621 $30, 60
- TX-86 $60, 95
- VFO-621 $50, 60, 70
- AL80A $445, 450
- AL-80B $1075
- AL-600 w/PS $875
- AL-800 $1050
- AL-800H $1600
- AL-811 $400, 585
- AL-811H $450, 720
- AL-811-3 $450
- ALS-600 $725
- ATR-15 $200, 300
- RCS-4 $80 SH
- LA-1000NT $350
- LK-450-NTC $450
- LK-500 $400
- LK-500NTB $895
- LK-500ZC $895
- 6m Converter $
- SR-2151 receiver $
- SR-2155 receiver $
- P28VDG $50
- WAT-25 xmtr $
- WAP-25 ps $
- WAR-25 rcvr $
- 10D $
- 10D w/G stand $75
- 10DA w/UG-8 $30
- 151 $7 SH
- 331 $
- 335L $35
- 511 $
- 513H $
- 527 $25
- 531 $
- D104 standard $25, 35, 40, 45, 65, 75
- D104 $45 SH
- D104m $35 SH
- JT-30 $35
- JT-30 w/stand $195
- JW-30 $45
- RM35-M $100, 125
- RS-7A $45
- RS-20 $80
- RS-20A $25, 50, 65, 75
- RS-20M $80, 85
- RS-20M $80 SH
- RS35A $100, 110
- RS-35M $110
- RM-50M $200
- VS-50M $150
- 180 $135
- 206 vfo $50
- 210X $150, 190
- 210 w/PS and spkr $235, 250, 270, 295, 350
- 210X w/PS, NB, Spkr, VOX $250
- 215 $130, 150
- 220-CS Console $50
- 220-PS ps $45
- 320 ps $80
- 350XL $225
- 350XL w/Shure 444 $350
- P.S. for 350 $75
- RX-110 $40
- Q-box $10
- QF-1 $20
- QF-1A $30, 40, 50, 65
- 7500H (6m) $250
- AZ-61 $250 SH
- PCS-2000 $90, 100
- PCS-3000 $75
- PCS-4000 $90
- MF-2 (160-10m AM-CW xmtr 15W) $40
- AC PS $15
- DC PS $15
- 51S-B $250
- 51SB-B (ssb adapter) $100
- 370 ssb adapter $100
- 380B T-R Switch $45
- 381B T-R switch $50
- 651 Matchmaster $75
- 5100 $100, 200, 235, 250, 260, 300
- 5100 two for $100
- 5100-B $200, 225, 345
- 5100-B w/651, 51SB-B $275
- 6100 $175
- FL-10/1500 LP filter $20, 25, 35
- L-1000A $200
- LPA-1 (Amp) $
- LPS-1 (PS) $
- T-R Switch $15
- VF-300A tuner $60 SH
- Paddles $35, 40
- MN-26LB (LF-MF-HF rcvr) $
- TA-12 xmtr $50, 60, 100
- TA-12D $50
- TN-339/IGR tuner $
- 10A $35
- 10C $60
- 25KH3 (25W HF slug) $45
- 43 w/HF slug $90
- 43 $150, 160, 170, 200
- 50C $35, 40
- 50D $35, 40
- 74 $50
- 100C $35
- 100D $35
- 100E $40
- 250C $40
- 250H SH $75
- 500C $40
- 500H SH $75
- 522 Filter $10
- 1000C $40
- 2500H $65
- 4385 $300
- 4527 w/2500H, 500H, 250H $275
- 5000H $65
- 5000H SH $75
- 6154 $300
- 7422 $50
- 8431 (dummy) $175
- 8787B $1650
- IM-89/UR $50
- TS-2609 $45
- BTI (Brad Thompson Industries)
- LK-2000 $
- LK-2000-HD $
- 100 kc. Cal $25
- HF-5B $75
- HF6V w/STR-II $150
- HF6V w/TBR-160S $75
- STR-II $45
- TBR-160-S $50
- 144 MHz converter $50
- 220 MHz converter $35
- 432 MHz converter $35
- 10B $
- 20A $50, 100
- 20A w/QT-1 $100
- 200V $595
- 458 VFO $55
- 600L $75
- MM-2 $50
- MM-2 $65 SH
- SB Slicer $40, 65
- 22'er $50, 55, 65, 90
- 22'er $125 SH
- 62T10 xmtr $150, 550
- 66'er $50, 65
- 99'er $45, 65
- Apollo 6 $325
- Cruiser (6&2m xvrtr) $
- FM-21 (220 xcvr) $30
- FM-27B $40
- FM-DX $160 SH
- Interceptor $150
- Interceptor B $180 SH
- Thor 6 $100
- Venus 6 $175
- Zeus (no PS or mod) $40, 50
- Zeus w/ mod/ps and Clegg Interceptor (not B) $250
- AT-5 (160/80m xmtr) $
- CR-45 $
- CR-66 $
- CR-70A $
- PR-30 (preselector) $
- 8R-1 cal. $125
- 30K1 $1000, 8500
- 30K5 $
- 30L1 $395, 400, 450, 485, 500, 550, 600, 650, 700
- 30S1 $1399, 1475, 1575, 1600, 1700, 1800, 1900, 2000
- 32MS-1B 12V HF radio $40, 50
- 32S1 $125, 199, 225, 250, 275, 300, 350, 375, 385
- 32S1 w/HD PS $500
- 32S1 /516F2 $400
- 32S1 / 75S1 / 516F2 $800, 950, 975, 1000
- 32S1 / 75S3 / 516F2 / 312B4 / 30L1 / EV729 $1900
- 32S3 $375, 400
- 32S3 / 75S3 / 312B4 / 516F2 $1150, 1200
- 32S3 / 75S3B / 516F2 $1350
- 32S3B $550
- 32S3, 75S3-B, 516F-2, 312B-4 $1200
- 32V1 $550, 700
- 32V1 w/75A2 $900
- 32V2 $200, 250, 350, 450
- 32V3 $150, 300
- 51J2 $95
- 51J3 $250
- 51J4 $450, 575, 600, 625, 700, 850
- 51S1 $225, 900, 1300, 1475, 1650
- 62S1 $1200, 1600, 1800
- 75A1 $195, 200
- 75A1 w/spkr $500
- 75A2 $175, 200, 325, 340, 350, 400, 600
- 75A2-A $350
- 75A2-2A $495
- 75A2 w/32V3 $850
- 75A3 $250, 295, 300, 385, 440, 450, 475, 500
- 75A3 6.0 Kc AM filter $150
- 75A4 $300, 550, 650, 675, 675, 700, 750, 800, 900, 950, 1100, 1200, 1500
- 75A4 w/spkr $695
- 75A4 w/270G-3 spkr $1150, 1200
- 75S1 $125, 185, 230, 250, 275, 300, 325, 360, 375, 400
- 75S2, 516F2 $695
- 75S3 $400
- 75S3-B $595, 600, 900
- 76F3 $45
- 136B-2 n.b. $175
- 180F-1 Tuner $200
- 180S $235
- 208U-3 $2500, 3500, 4000
- 208U-3A $3200
- 208U-10 $4500
- 270G-2 spkr $245, 275
- 300G $1000
- 302C-3 $300, 325
- 302C-3 $125 SH
- 310-B $100
- 310B-1 $125
- 310B-3 $250
- 310C $250
- 310C-2 $250
- 312B-1 $800
- 312B-3 $
- 312B-4 $150, 215, 250
- 312B-4 (WE) $225
- 312B-5 $500, 700, 750
- 312B-5 $650 SH
- 313V-4 $75
- 353C-14 adapter $150 SH
- 426T-1 $125
- 426U-2 p.s. $250
- 490-T $450
- 516F-2 $100, 200, 225
- 651S-1 $1000
- 851S-1 $2,000
- CP-1 $115, 250
- DL-1 $250
- F455B-08 $150
- F455H-05 $50
- F455J-31 $150
- F455-Q5 $
- F455-FA-05 $200
- F455-J31 $150
- F455-Y40 $75, 125, 150
- F455-Y60 $
- F-500-F-60 $50
- KW-1 $18,000, 20,000
- KWM-1 $550
- KWM-1 w/516F-1 $750
- KWM-1 and PS $1600
- KWM-2 $550
- KWM-2 & SM-2 $550
- KWM-2 & 516-F2 $550, 750, 800, 875
- KWM-2, 516F-2, 30L-1 $1600
- KWM-2, 516F-2, 312B-4, 30L1 $1200
- KWM-2A $450, 500, 600, 650
- KWM-2A w/attached PS $480
- KWM-2A & 516F-2 $700, 725, 900, 1000
- KWM2-A, 312B-5, 516F2 $1400
- KWM-2A, 516F-2, 312B-4, 30L-1, CP-1 $1800
- KWM-2A, 516F-2, 312B-5, 30L-1, CP-1 $2150
- KWM-380 $2000, 2800, 3200
- KWS-1 $500, 1000, 1100, 1800, 1850, 1950, 2200
- KWS-1, 75A-4 $1800, 2750
- PM-2 $95, 125, 150
- R-388 $75, 400
- R-390 $250
- R-390A $375
- S-2 Microphone $
- S-Line (32S-3, 75S-3, 312B-4 & 516F-2 winged) $1100
- SM-2 $300
- SM-3 $265
- Flightcom 400-12/24 $15
- CTR-144 (2m AM-FM xcvr) $125
- CSP-11 (speech processor) $30
- 400 xmtr $45
- 500 rcvr $40
- TWINS $100
- Cosmophone 1000 $1500
- CR Electronics
- CR250AA linear amp $150
- CR500AA linear amp $300
- 3030 $1350
- Ambassador hf xcvr $
- ASTRO 150A $500
- EK-38 $50
- 20-4CD $275
- 32-19 $65
- 215WB $55
- A3 $65, 85
- A3S $300
- A3WS $200
- A4 $125, 250
- Explorer 14 $250
- R4 $110
- R5 $195, 200
- R7 $200
- 300B $115
- CN-410 $60
- CN-720B $125, 150
- ASP proc. $20
- FL-1 $55
- DR-30 $
- 80-10AT $40
- 160-10AT $125
- 160-10 1KW $110
- 160XV $125
- 2000A $65
- AT-1K $150
- DTR1200L $500
- DTR-2000L $1200 SH
- DTR3K $200
- GLA-1000 $125, 150, 200
- GLA-1000B $350, 550
- Jr Monitor 300W tuner $20, 30, 35, 40
- MLA-2500 $250, 400
- MT-2000A $150
- MT-3000A $150
- Super Tuner $65, 100, 110
- W-2 $65
- DP-DH62 $75
- MPX-MINI 40 meter qrp xcvr $100
- 1A w/spkr $275, 300
- 2A w/2AQ $250, 300
- 2B $80, 85, 100, 125, 150, 200
- 2B w/2BQ $195, 210, 225, 250, 300
- 2B w/2BQX $125
- 2B w/Spkr $75
- 2BQ q-mult. $100
- 2C $75, 100, 110, 125, 135, 150, 200, 250
- 2C w/2CQ $250
- 2CQ q-mult. $100
- 2NT $75, 90, 100, 225, 250
- AA-10 $15
- AC-3 $40
- AC-4 $75, 80, 95, 100, 125
- AUX-7 program board $
- C-4 console $200, 275, 425
- CPS-1 $25 SH
- DC-3 $95
- DC-4 $75 SH
- DSR-1 $
- FS-4 $275, 280, 375
- L-4B $600, 650, 795
- L-4B, PS only $325
- L4X-B $120
- L-7 $900, 950, 1000
- ML-2 (2m FM) $50
- MN-4 $110, 135
- MN-7 $150, 175
- MN-7 $125 SH
- MN-2000 $165, 175, 200, 225
- MS-4 $45, 50, 55
- MS-4 w/AC-4 $80
- MS-7 speaker $55 SH
- MSR-2 rcvr $1100
- MV-7 $125 SH
- NB-4 $110
- NB-7 noise blanker $
- P-75 patch $95
- PS-7 $125
- R-4 $65, 125
- R-4 / T-4X / MS-4 $275
- R-4, T-4X, MS-4, AC-4 $275
- R-4A $100, 125, 150, 160
- R-4A w/MS-4 $260, 275
- R-4B $65, 120, 125, 150, 175, 200, 225
- R-4A, T-4X , AC4 $295
- R-4B, T-4XB, MS-4 $150
- R-4B, T-4X-B, MS-4, AC-4 $325, 375, 385
- R-4B, T-4XB, C-4, AC-4, MS-4, D-104, HAM-M $680
- R-4C $125, 215
- R-4C w/MS-4 $350 SH
- R-4C, T-4X, AC-4 $260
- R-4C w/FS-4 $495
- R-8B $950
- RCS-4 $125
- RV-3 $40
- RV-4 $100
- RV-75 $100, 150, 600
- RV-75 $375 SH
- SL-500 filter $75
- SP-75 speech processor $
- SPR-4 $375, 400
- SSR-1 $75, 145
- SW-4 $175, 225
- SW-4A $205, 250
- SW-8 $475
- T-4X $95, 125
- T-4X, R-4B, AC-3, MS-4 $300
- T-4X, R-4C, MS-4, AC-4 $500
- T-4XB $125, 150
- T-4XC $150
- T-4XC w/AC-4 $225, 250, 300
- TX4C, R4C, MS-4, PS-4, C-4 $1000
- TR-3 $225, 275
- TR-3, AC-3 $125, 175
- TR-4 $95, 125, 150, 160
- TR-4, RV-3 $300
- TR-4, RV-3, D-104 $250
- TR-4, AC-4, MS-4 $260
- TR-4, AC-4, MS-4, D-104 $400
- TR-4C $120, 240
- TR-4C, MS4 P/S $200, 225
- TR-4C, AC-4 $275, 395
- TR-4C, AC-4, MS-4 $250, 275, 295, 300, 350
- TR-4 w/RV-3 VFO $300
- TR-4CW w/RV-4C (No PS) $425 SH
- TR-7 $440, 450
- TR-7 w/PS-7 $500
- TR7 w/PS7, NB $450 SH
- TR-7 w/PS-7, DR-7, AUX-7 $700
- TR-7A w/R-7A, L-7, RV7 & 7077 mic $2500
- TR-7 , PS-7, RV-7, MN2700, L-7, D-104, Ultramatic Keyer, 1 KW Dummy, $1750
- TR-7, NB, PS-75, P-75 patch, SP-75 processor, MS-7 spkr $900
- TR-22 $40
- TV-42-LP $18
- TV-52-40-LP $9
- TV-52-40-LP SH $13
- TV-300-HPF $10
- TV-1000-LP $15, 25
- TV-3300-LP $40 SH
- W-4 $35, 50, 70, 75
- WH-7 $50, 60
- WH-7 $70, 80 SH
- WV-4 $70
- DX Engineering
- LC-2-T4X for Drake T4-X etc. $150
- EBC-144 $
- EBC-144 Jr. $
(Company that was sold to Hallicrafters early on)
- EC-1 $65, 75
- EC-3 $175, 180
- 358X $
- 730/1A $
- 830/7 $320
- 870 $
- EB35 Mk II L45UKP = $60
- EC958/1 $
- EC958/7F $
- S750 L75UKP = $100
- 710 gdo $15, 20
- 720 (xmtr) $75, 125
- 722 (vfo) $55
- 723 (xmtr) $90
- 730 (mod) $125
- 751 AC PS $45, 70
- 752 DC PS $40, 60
- 753 $50, 75, 125
- 753 w/PS, spkr. $125, 175
- GDO $
- M135 control unit $45
- MD-40 $
- MD-40P $
- MD-100 $
- MR-2 $
- MT-2 $
- S-119 $
- SSB-100A $
- SSB-500 $
- SSB-1000F $
- SSB, Jr. $
- TR-75 $
- TR-75-TV $75, 100, 125
- 600D $
- 605 $35
- 621L $50
- 630 $45
- 631 $50
- 638 $70
- 664 $40, 50, 100, 150
- 690 $80
- 715 $25
- 727 $35
- 727SR $25
- 729 $
- 729SR $50
- 927-LS $
- 951 $
- M-26/U $60
- S-7 $
- ELMEC (Electro Mechanical Engineering, CA)
- Elmec-400 (400W amplifier) $
- 2m AM xmtr $
- EX-20 $
- EX-20s $
- Mark II 6m xmtr $
- Novice 40-80
- TU-170 $15, 50
- Also see 'WRL'
- FM-210 $20
- PSA-63A ps $25
- R-530 w/spkr $825
- SB-175 xmtr $
- BC-1H (AM 1KW) $3950
- BC-1T (AM KW xmtr) $550
- BC250GY (AM 250W) $1000
- 4/104 VFO $35, 50
- GTX-2 $
- GTX-10 $
- GTX-200 $50
- GTX-600 $
- MA/E33 Progress Line VHF $
- Master II - 100W on 52.525 MHz $75
- Mobile speaker, blue metal $4
- MT/33 Progress line VHF $20
- MVP UHF $225
- Phoenix-SX Mobile VHF no mic $35, 40
- Voice Commander (Vocomm) III $20
- XT-1-A (BC xmtr) $750
- G.E.C. (U.K.)
- BRT-400 rcvr $
- Model 25 $35
- 6-2 VFO $50 SH
- 65A $
- 65B $
- 666 vfo $
- 755 vfo $50 SH
- Champion $225, 250
- Champion 300 $100
- Champion 350 $200
- Chief 90 w/VFO 755A $299
- Chief 90 $75, 260
- Chief 90 $50 SH
- Chief 90A $40
- Chief Deluxe $50, 70
- DSB-100 $100
- Globe King 400 $500
- Globe King 400A $150
- Globe King 500 $1200
- Globe King 500A $400
- Globe King 500B $150, 900
- Globe King 500C $650
- Globe Linear $125
- HG-303 xmtr w/Deluxe VFO $75 SH
- Hi-Bander (6 & 2m xmtr) $75
- LA-1 amplifier $125
- PH-1 patch $15
- Scout 40A $
- Scout 65 $75
- Scout 65A $125
- Scout 680 $100, 125
- Scout 680A $65
- Scout Deluxe $100
- Sidebander DSB-100 $
- SM-90 modulator for Chief Deluxe $10
- Trotter $
- UM-1 $30
- V-10 vfo $25
- VFO 6-2 $40
- VFO 755A $45, 50
- VHF-62 Hi-Bander $20
- 3-30 $20
- 6m converter $18, 30 SH
- 603 2m amplifier $350
- 603A amplifier $250
- 3002 (3-30 mc. Conv.) $
- 3030 'Super Six' HF conv. $
- 3041-6 'Super-ceiver' 6V $
- 3041-12 'Super-ceiver' 12V $
- 3066 (6m conv.) $
- 3275 (6m conv) $100
- 3566 VFO $45
- Commander xmtr $25
- Commander w/vfo $50
- Communicator II (6M, 6Volt) $20, 45, 50, 75
- Communicator III $25, 40, 45, 50, 65, 75
- Communicator IV $40, 50, 75, 100
- Communicator IV w/VFO $65, 125
- G-28 $
- G-43 rcvr $145, 150
- G-50 AM 6m $150
- G-66 $35
- G-66B rcvr $40
- G-76 $90
- G-77A xmtr $50
- GC-105 (2m) $
- GPP-1 patch $45, 55
- GR-212 $
- GSB-100 $150, 175, 200, 225
- GSB-201 $325
- MSB-1 $
- Sidewinder 910A $80
- Sidewinder w/PS $110
- Super 6 HF converter $25, 35
- Super 6 HF converter $18 SH
- Super 12 HF converter $25, 55
- GRANGER (Menlo Park, CA)
- 180-1 hf xcvr $
- TUN-3 $25
- Satellit 700 $325 SH
- Satellit 700 $425
- Satellit $235, 250
- YB-305 $65, 75
- YB-400 $100, 110
- RS-2100 $130
- ST-6 $150
- 5R-100 (like S-38D but black and with no BFO) $
- CR-50 $65
- FPM-200 $120
- FPM-300 $100, 150, 200
- HA-1 T.O. Keyer $30, 40, 45, 55, 75, 100
- HA-2, HA-6 w/P.S. $250, 300
- HA-4 keyer $35
- HA-5 vfo $30, 50
- HA-7 $25
- HA-8 $30, 40
- HA-10 $65
- HA-26 VFO $45, 50
- HT-2 $
- HT-3 $
- HT-8 $
- HT-9 $100
- HT-12 $
- HT-18 $100
- HT-19 $
- HT-20 $500
- HT-30 $
- HT-31 $
- HT-32 $100, 125, 135, 200
- HT-32 w/SX-101 MkIII-A $425
- HT-32A $80, 100, 110, 150, 200, 250
- HT-32A w/HT33A, SX-101 $1050
- HT-32B $120
- HT-33 $200, 325
- HT-33A $350, 450
- HT-33A w/spare PL-172 final $500
- HT-37 $75, 100, 110, 120, 175, 195, 250
- HT-37 w/SX-101A $250
- HT-37 w/SX-111 $250
- HT-37 w/SX-111, HA-1, R-48 $400
- HT-37 w/SX-117 $250
- HT-40 $35, 40, 50, 100
- HT-40 w/SX-140 $100, 150, 160, 195
- HT-40 w/VF-1 $50
- HT-41 $350
- HT-44 $150
- HT-44 / SX-117 $425
- HT-44 / SX-117 / PS / spkr $275, 400
- HT-45 $
- MSR-202 $
- P-150-AC $
- P-150-DC $
- PM-23 (500 ohm spkr) $35, 60, 110, 150
- PS-150-12 ps for SR-160 $55 SH
- R-42 spkr $50, 75, 100, 120
- R-44 $50, 75
- R-46 $50, 80, 125
- R-46B spkr $40, 45, 50, 55, 75
- R-47 spkr $50
- R-48 spkr $45, 75
- RE-1 $
- Sky Buddy $25
- Skyrider 23 $200
- S-2 $
- S-9 $200, 270
- S-19 $75
- S-19R $35, 90, 95, 100, 120
- S-20 $45
- S-20R $30, 40, 65, 100, 145
- S-22 $40
- S-22R $35, 100
- S-27 $
- S-28B $60
- S-33 $
- S-35 $
- S-36A $100, 175
- S-38 $50, 85
- S-38A $15, 20, 75
- S-38B $25, 30, 40, 45, 75
- S-38C $25, 35, 50, 75
- S-38D $40, 80
- S-38E $15, 25, 49, 80
- S-40 $60
- S-40A $55, 100
- S-40B $25, 45, 75, 175
- S-41A $25
- S-41G $25, 45
- S-41W $55, 65
- S-42 spkr $120
- S-52 $
- S-53A $50, 85
- S-55 $75
- S-72 $75, 100
- S-72L $
- S-76 $150
- S-77 $50, 65, 85
- S-77A $95, 100, 125
- S-85 $25, 55, 75, 130
- S-86 $125
- S-94 $30
- S-94 $38 SH
- S-95 $40, 45
- S-102 $35
- S-106 $35
- S-107 $50, 120
- S-108 $65, 75
- S-118 $20, 30
- S-118 $50 SH
- S-119 $20, 30
- S-120 $15, 25, 30, 33, 40
- S-120 with 'parts rig' $60
- S-125 $
- S-240 $95
- SB-10 $35, 50, 75
- SR-42A $75